Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Financial Peace AND Free Crafts!!

Ladies, have you signed up for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University?  It starts January 24 but there's still time to get on board!

If you're hesitating because this sounds a little too left brained and like not a lot of fun for you, boy have I got a surprise for you!

When you sign up for the program you will get a kit full of useful information and resources such as books, CDs, financial planning forms, and a small folio/wallet with some envelopes for the cash system that Dave will have you hooked on in no time.

As wonderful as this all is, I have to say (as a Financial Peace University graduate) that the only thing I was disappointed in was the cash envelope system.  The system itself is great, I still use it, but those manila envelopes were about as exciting as an IRS audit.  If Dave really wanted me to carry those envelopes with me everywhere I go, he should have made them prettier.

Digichick to the rescue!  The fine people at have developed a template for the cash envelopes that will let you turn your favorite decorative or scrapbook paper into envelopes that are just the right size for your wallet!  That makes me happy.

Just jump on over to and add their "Standard Envelope Template Set" to your shopping cart.  It's completely free but you do have to go through the check out process as if you were making an actual purchase.  Once you've done that, you will get an email containing the link where you will download your templates.

The download will include several formats, but I prefer the plain jane template.  Just use your home computer and printer to print the template onto the back of a sheet of 8-1/2 x 11 scrapbook paper.  The template shows you exactly where to cut, fold and glue to make your lovely new cash envelope system.

Dave Ramsey provides you with envelopes that look like these.  Very functional but not exactly exciting, wouldn't you agree? 

With just a little time and some soul soothing effort, you could have an envelope system like one of these:

Fun, right?  Yes, fru fru cash envelopes are fun and pretty but it's what you do with them that counts.  Join us for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University where you will learn to live like no one else so that later you can LIVE like no one else!